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MOODS是巴西丹纳曼烟草公司(K D)出品的丹纳曼雪茄,如果是10支装,大概售卖550元左右。












目前有三种moods德国德国moods雪茄20支,t迷你雪茄卖40—50左右,n的迷你雪茄有很多种的,价位一般在40—70元左右,m是20支装,60元左右,不过味道有点冲.巴西MOODS ( 欧盟货,硬盒10只装) 一盒 200元 黑MOODS巴西小雪茄 ( 瑞士货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元MOODS是巴西小雪茄,全称是巴西MOODS丹纳曼莱丝小雪茄。瑞士Dannemann--minimoods(丹纳曼迷你茉丝小雪茄10只铁盒)_价格5.00元 是目前很便宜的一款雪茄。和高希霸,大卫.杜夫,罗密欧一样是顶级品牌雪茄之一,丹纳曼的小雪茄还真没试过,普遍在百分之10的焦油量以上,雪茄只有百分之2。扩展资料:正确抽雪茄的方式:只吸到口,不同于一吸烟就把烟吸到肺部。抽雪茄是种享受,不能狂抽,避免雪茄烧的太快或太热。有规律地每次一小口地抽,慢慢享受,不要将雪茄变成一团火球。保持雪茄稳定火候,才能尽情发挥其芳香。一次抽不完的雪茄,留下次再抽,不是不体面的事。温和型的雪茄,特别是采用浅色茄衣的,一旦储放过久便会失去香味。所以一般先抽淡色的雪茄,再享受深色的雪茄。成熟良好的茄衣刚开始时显得油腻,成熟后会变得更加滑润,色泽也更深。刚品尝抽雪茄的人,最好先选择如Minuto或Carolina之类的小型雪茄,之后再改抽口感温和、较粗大的雪茄,如哈瓦那出口的H.Upmann。大多数人在早晨或中午用过简餐后,较偏好口感温和的迷你型雪茄。



colours and moods 中文?

colours and moods 全部释义和例句>>颜色和心情mood 英[mu:d] 美[mud] n. 心情; 语气; 气氛; 坏心境; 全部释义>>[例句]Your mood depends on how you feel?你的心情全看你的感受?colours 英["kʌləz] 美["kʌləz] n. 彩色; 国旗; 旗帜; 船旗; 军旗; ( colour的名词复数 ) 颜色; 肤色; (用于服装、旗帜等代表团队、学校、政党或国家的) 色彩; v. (用颜料、彩色笔等) 为…着色( colour的第三人称单数 ); (尤指负面地) 影响; (因尴尬而) 脸红; 全部释义>>[例句]How do you see all those colours?你看这些颜色怎么样?

how my moods change英语作文

People have changed a lot in their appearance,personality and hobby.I have changed a lot in my life.When I was a child,I used to flying the kites with my parents,I thought it was very interesting.But now ,I am growing up,I like looking at the insects.I think the small insects are very lovely.And I have changed a lot in my hobby.I used to run slowly,but now I do a lot of exercise,so I run quickly.Although I"m 15 years old,I am still terrified of the dark,and I always go to sleep with my bedroom light on,I remember a bad thing.I used not to like l tests,so I always got bad grades in tests.My mother was very frustrated.But now,I likes studying,and last term I got good grades,my mother was very impressed.I hope my life and my family will be more and more happy!

英语expressing your moods作文


I think the moon can affect my moods. sometimes i


some people believe that colours can influence our may wonder it is true.中文?


pink moods什么意思啊


Given that many peoples moods are regulated by the chemical action of chocolate.怎么翻译

given可以是考虑到或假定 假定(考虑到)许多人的情绪可以被巧克力的化学 (不是物质,是zuoyong)调节.

英语作文好的进!帮忙写篇初中作文!题为Colors can affect my feelings and moods


英语作文好的进!帮忙写篇初中作文!题为Colors can affect my feelings and moods

Color psychologists believe that people of different colors on the emotional and psychological impact of a difference. Warm color series: red, yellow and orange make people feel at ease, producing excitement; and blue, gray, green and so cool series feel quieter,. And even a bit melancholy. White and black are the two poles visual, research has shown that: black distract people"s attention, to create郁闷, dull feeling. Long-term Living in such an environment the human pupil extremely magnified , looked sluggish, feeling numb, with the passage of time, the people"s health, life expectancy have a negative impact. The rooms are arranged into a white, Su-jie has flu, but the contrast of white too, easy to stimulate the pupil to contract, such as disease-induced headache. According to the different color gives visual, psychological, scientific application of color will help people"s lives and the rehabilitation of sick. Patients with chronic diseases at the room, use warm people happy. Contribute to the restoration of health; and in heart failure patients in the room should be quiet layout is light green or light blue, so as to prevent them exciting to see red. Color psychotherapy can sometimes play a drug should not substitute for the role. Such as: light blue will help bring down a fever, lower blood pressure; purple pregnant women can quiet; blue, green eyes enable people to alleviate fatigue and so on. American academics found that: beautiful bright colors can pass through the optic nerve to the brain cells, and thus help to promote people"s mental development. Living in harmony of color in children and adolescents, and their creativity is higher than the general environment in the growth of persons. If ordinary people in the mood to suppress color environment, will affect the development of brain cells, so that intellectual decline. 答案补充 其实,没什么的,你从这一篇文章里取第一段就可以了或者,American academics found that: beautiful bright colors can pass through the optic nerve to the brain cells, and thus help to promote people"s mental development. Living in harmony of color in children and adolescents, and their creativity is higher than the general environment in the growth of persons. If ordinary people in the mood to suppress color environment, will affect the development of brain cells, so that intellectual decline.

expressing your moods 什么意思

expressing your moods 表达你的心情expressing your moods 表达你的心情

要求1篇英语作文 Colours and Moods 80词左右.

My Favourite Colour Of all the colours, I like blue best. Blue is a nice-looking colour. It"s very clean and beautiful. How do you feel when you wake up to see a grey sky? I"m very afraid it will rain soon. But if the sky is blue, I think you will feel joyous and excited. Blue is the colour of the sea. I like swimming on sunny days. If I swim in the sea, I will have a good time. It is so interesting. I like blue. Look at my pen, ballpen, erasers and the school bag, they are all blue. I have lots of blue clothes, too. I like blue, and many things in my home are blue. Look, my bed is blue. My wall is blue and my suits are blue, too. I like blue so much and I will love it until the end. It makes me happy all the time.

(2013·高考新课标全国卷Ⅱ,C)Given that many people’s moods (情绪)are regulated by the chemical a

小题1:C小题2:D小题3:C小题4:A 这是一篇说明文。巧克力可以调节人的情绪,现在新加坡的CRF正在帮你生产出令你满意的巧克力。那么,它有哪些优势呢?小题1:解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第一段第一句话可知,巧克力可以调节人的情绪。A项在文中未提及;文中并未提及巧克力有药物的功效,故B项错误;文中提到CRF的创始人Chris Lee 有广泛的商业人脉,但这并不说明巧克力能加强商业关系,排除D项。所以选C。小题2:解析:选D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知Lee不仅仅是一个经验丰富的销售员,而且是一个与一些大品牌有业务往来的市场部经理,因此可以知道他有许多市场经验,正是他丰富的市场经验使得他的理念得以发展。所以选D。小题3:解析:选C。细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话中...with the Alcohol Series being the most popular.可知Alcohol Series线的产品卖得最好,所以选C。小题4:解析:选A。词义猜测题。根据chocolate snobs后面的定语从句who think that they have a better knowledge of chocolate than others,the Connoisseur Series uses cocoa beans from...可知这些人对制作巧克力的原料很挑剔,所以选A。B项为“对可可豆了解很少”;C项为“瞧不起别人”;D项为“喜欢尝试新口味”。

the very things in the moment dampen our moods can latter be sources of inte



How to being good moods?如何保持好心情? I think that it wasn"t quarrel with someone,and if have had some quarrel forget to be quickly will be ok,and talk with the friends also was a good idea.我想不要跟别人吵架,并且如果有一些人要来跟你吵架,快速的忘记它就可以了,并且我想如果真的不开心,和朋友们谈谈也会是个好主意。And tried to hard working,serious working,reading some books,do something you like,easy going guy,doesn"t often quarrels with someone,forgave someone be often,keep smiling,does often thanks for god give us happy life.并且努力认真的去工作,阅读一些书籍,做一些你喜欢做的事情,成为一个容易沟通的人,不常常和别人吵架,做个健忘的人,保持微笑,常常感恩上帝给你的快乐生活。And have had the good relationship with your friends,have had more friends,and enjoyed your life.并且和你的朋友们有好的人际关系,并且你也是个享受生活的人。Studied hard,finished your study set goal,you will have achievement.It will make you happy.努力学习,完成你的学习目标,你也将会为此拥有成就感。Life always give you some surprise,and I think that there was a important thing you should be believe in the god,to be a Christ,you will happy almost time,if you also were not get happy,pray for god give you happy.Life is beautiful,isn"t it?We have had already got more.生活总是会给你一些惊喜,并且我想有件事情我想是重要的,你应该相信上帝,成为一名基督徒,在大多数的时间你将会感到快乐。如果你还是无法感到快乐,祈祷上帝给你快乐吧。生活是美好的,不是吗? 我们已经得到了许多。

i think the moon can after my moods

我认为月亮能够影响到我的心情 。中秋节的时候月亮高高的挂在天空,又圆又亮,我却不能和我的家人团聚。我的眼里充满了泪水。

colours do influence our moods为什么中间加个do?


How to be in good moods? 这篇英语作文怎么写啊

What accnornpanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. As man in the modern age, our moods are as ehangable...

用how to keep good moods写一篇作文

Each of us should stay healthy, which is the foundation of our activities. Here are some ways to stay healthy.我们每个人都应该保持健康,因为健康是我们活动的基础.这里有一些保持健康的方法.First, we should spend one to two hours a day in regular exercise; try to walk instead of ride. Second, we should eat some healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and so on. They are able to help us maintain a healthy body. When we are in trouble, try to relax our mood, listen to the soft music. It also enables us to maintain a good health. Finally there is a good sleep can also assure us a healthy body. We should sleep seven to eight hours a day to maintain adequate sleep. If we can do follow these advice, I believe we can have a healthy body, a better life.首先,我们应该花一到两个小时来做定时锻炼;尽量步行来代替乘车.第二,我们应该多吃一些健康的食品,如蔬菜,水果等.它们能够帮助我们保持健康的身体.当我们遇到麻烦时,尽量放松心情,听听柔和的音乐.这也能让我们保持良好的健康.最后,良好的睡眠也能保证我们有一个健康的身体.我们应该睡七到八小时来保持充足的睡眠.如果我们能够遵循这些建议,我相信我们能够有一个健康的身体,更好的生活.




目前有三种moods德国德国moods雪茄20支,t迷你雪茄卖40—50左右,n的迷你雪茄有很多种的,价位一般在40—70元左右,m是20支装,60元左右,不过味道有点冲.巴西MOODS ( 欧盟货,硬盒10只装) 一盒 200元 黑MOODS巴西小雪茄 ( 瑞士货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元MOODS是巴西小雪茄,全称是巴西MOODS丹纳曼莱丝小雪茄。瑞士Dannemann--minimoods(丹纳曼迷你茉丝小雪茄10只铁盒)_价格5.00元 是目前很便宜的一款雪茄。和高希霸,大卫.杜夫,罗密欧一样是顶级品牌雪茄之一,丹纳曼的小雪茄还真没试过,普遍在百分之10的焦油量以上,雪茄只有百分之2。扩展资料:巴西雪茄在欧洲的声誉最好,其中最受欢迎的是德国人丹纳曼(KaufmannsDannemann)出品的雪茄。在短短的几十年间,丹纳曼公司已成为巴西巴伊亚洲最大的烟草商,也是世界最着名的巴西雪茄买卖商之一。 


目前有三种moods德国德国moods雪茄20支,t迷你雪茄卖40—50左右,n的迷你雪茄有很多种的,价位一般在40—70元左右,m是20支装,60元左右,不过味道有点冲.巴西MOODS ( 欧盟货,硬盒10只装) 一盒 200元 黑MOODS巴西小雪茄 ( 瑞士货,铁盒10只装) 一盒 200元MOODS是巴西小雪茄,全称是巴西MOODS丹纳曼莱丝小雪茄。瑞士Dannemann--minimoods(丹纳曼迷你茉丝小雪茄10只铁盒)_价格5.00元 是目前很便宜的一款雪茄。和高希霸,大卫.杜夫,罗密欧一样是顶级品牌雪茄之一,丹纳曼的小雪茄还真没试过,普遍在百分之10的焦油量以上,雪茄只有百分之2。扩展资料:正确抽雪茄的方式:只吸到口,不同于一吸烟就把烟吸到肺部。抽雪茄是种享受,不能狂抽,避免雪茄烧的太快或太热。有规律地每次一小口地抽,慢慢享受,不要将雪茄变成一团火球。保持雪茄稳定火候,才能尽情发挥其芳香。一次抽不完的雪茄,留下次再抽,不是不体面的事。温和型的雪茄,特别是采用浅色茄衣的,一旦储放过久便会失去香味。所以一般先抽淡色的雪茄,再享受深色的雪茄。成熟良好的茄衣刚开始时显得油腻,成熟后会变得更加滑润,色泽也更深。刚品尝抽雪茄的人,最好先选择如Minuto或Carolina之类的小型雪茄,之后再改抽口感温和、较粗大的雪茄,如哈瓦那出口的H.Upmann。大多数人在早晨或中午用过简餐后,较偏好口感温和的迷你型雪茄。

in good moods和in the high mood的区别?

你好,in good moods 的意思是心情好的意思,如果表示心情好,不能用high 来修饰mood 希望可以帮助你

moods silver 什么意思

moods : 喜怒无常silver : 银你的采纳是我们继续答题的动力O(∩_∩)O~

Moods sort of drift from person to person unconsciously不懂。不要机器翻译的。老托074


I think the moon can affect my moods 请问一下这个mood为什么的加s?

mood本来就是可数名词。某种情绪就是a kind of mood那对应的 多种情绪就是moods望采纳。O(∩_∩)O




feeling 倾向于感觉moods 情绪

moods 的同义词

moods [mu:dz] n. 脾气, 情绪脾气 [pí qi]temper temperament dispositionmould spleen bile moods proclivity情绪 [qíng xù]sentiment feelingmood mind spirit emotion chord (line) fettle humour pulse vein temper

mood 心情为什么可以加s moods

一个单词可以有不同的含义, 在不同的环境下有不同的用法. mood 表示发脾气; 情绪低落:时 He"s in a mood/in one of his moods today.他今天闹情绪了. 买一本《牛津高阶英语词典》吧. 学习语言没有那么多为什么 很多是约定俗成的


外烟MOODS 编号:se8230557,0404品种:烟标/烟盒-烟标/烟盒属性:卡标,条码标,正常流通标,单标,嘴标84S,直式,文字/贺词,海外,,20支,立体/3D标,纸质简介:品相如图,有内衬纸。


moods是mood的复数mood:1.state of one"s feelings or mind at a particular time of bad temper;depression 3.way a group or community feels about sth;atmosphere 4.(grammar) any of the three sets of verb forms that show whether what is said or written is considered certain, possible, doubtful,necessary, desirable, etc


一、moods的含义是:n.心境;心情;情绪;精神状态;语气;三段论的式;三段论形式;气氛;心情不好;生气adj.激发…情感的;暗示…心境的原型是:mood二、短语搭配:in the mood兴致勃勃、in the mood for有...的兴致或心思in a good mood心情好;良好的心情、mood swing情绪突变in no mood to do something想做某事;有心情做某事三、例句:1、The film wasn"t very intellectual, but it caught the mood of the times.这部电影并不特别有智性,但它却抓住了时代的情绪。2、God help anyone who tried to jolly me out of my bad mood.想让我摆脱恶劣情绪开心起来只有老天爷能做到。3、Monet"s Mornings on the Seine series, with their hushed and delicate mood.莫奈基调静谧雅致的《塞纳河的早晨》系列画作。